Practicing Compassion
In honor of Nurses Day today and Nurses Appreciation Week 2021 from May 6th-12th we are taking the lead from nurses and other healthcare heroes by practicing compassion.
Compassion noun
com·pas·sion | \ kəm-ˈpa-shən
Definition of compassion
: sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it
Last year at this time we launched our MOCO (MOre COmpassion) Self-Care Kit which was
"Inspired by my personal goal to continue my family legacy of providing wellness to others by remembering to practice compassion to one another and ourselves.” - Judith Compton
This year we will be giving away three of our MOCO (MOre Compassion) Self-Care kits during National Nurses Week to a well-deserved nurse or front responder who has been nominated as a healthcare hero by one of our customers or followers. Visit our Instagram feed to nominate your Healthcare Hero to win.
Judith’s ultimate goal is that our collective practice of compassion may foster a deeper connection with one another.
“Let’s all think of ways to practice #MOCO (MOre COmpassion) in our daily lives and interactions.” - Judith Compton