BE KIND. . . Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th
This special day is celebrated annually on February 17th. It is a day for people who wish to make a difference in the world can do their part by extending a simple act of kindness to another person. Random Acts of Kindness Day is a celebration to encourage acts of kindness. The day was created in Denver, Colorado in 1995 and now over 25 years later has grown in popularity.
When I found out this day existed I was excited to think of suggestions I could provide others with to show random acts of kindness. I try to practice random acts of kindness as often as possible in my daily life and encourage others to do so as a small deed can have a profound effect. One of my favorite quotes which inspires me is:
'Be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Ghandi
Here are some simple ideas on how you can extend random acts of kindness today and every day:
- Give someone you don't know a compliment that makes them feel good
- Offer to help someone by opening a door or elevator for them
- Smile at a complete stranger and make eye contact
- Treat others how you would like to be treated
- Write a thank you note to someone you care about and send it
- Pay it forward by giving a meal to a homeless person
- Leave a bigger tip
- Call an old friend you haven't spoken to in awhile just to say 'Hi'
- Listen attentively when being spoken to
- Tell someone what you appreciate about them
For more ideas visit the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website:
Today is your opportunity to make a difference in someone’s day by giving just a little of yourself. The smallest thing can mean the most to someone at the right time.
In honor of this special day focused on kindness I am sharing the mantra I wrote over a year ago for our gift of gratitude.
be grateful.
be humble.
be kind.