Practicing MOCO (MOre COmpassion)

Every day since we have started sheltering in place 18 days ago I have tried my best to create and maintain a routine to help me get through this time of quarantine and self isolation.  It has been a little challenging since I am not in my own home or community but that of my mother, who is at high-risk, so we are in Arizona caring for her until everything calms down.

I have found that my daily meditation and mindfulness practices along with new online exercise and work out classes have really helped me, mentally and physically, by providing me with fortitude.  I also continue to work, even though our office is temporarily closed and our team members are working remotely from home. Daily communication with our team whether it be via e-mail, text, phone, or Face-time/Zoom keeps me going and makes me feel like if we can get through this we can get through anything.  I also feel it helps all of our morale since even though we are physically separated we remain connected. 

While caring for my elderly mother during this time it has illustrated how important compassion is not only for getting through this pandemic but how necessary and vital it is to our own relationships and interactions.  Taking care of someone who may not be able to completely care for herself has taught me how limitless our ability to express compassion can be. I feel this time with my mother, although it be under unfortunate circumstances, has been very special and I am so grateful that myself, my husband, and our dog are able to be with her to help and care for her her during this uncertain and scary time.

There is a beautiful Sanskrit mantra, ‘Om mani padme hum’ the most sacred in existence, which we have engraved on all of our Mala and Mantra guru beads which always helps me remember to practice compassion.  This translates to: 

“O radiant jewel in the lotus of my heart, please shine brightly.

May my heart have the strength to feel compassion for all sentient beings.”

I encourage all of us to use this Sanskrit mantra in meditation, it can be used with or without a mala.  May reciting these words remind us all to have more compassion for ourselves and for others, now and always.  May our collective practice of compassion foster a deeper connection with one another. Let’s all think of ways to practice #MOCO (MOre COmpassion) in our daily lives and interactions.

Wishing all of your MOCO,

Judith Compton

Founder + Creator