Our Company Intentions for 2020
This January we not only welcome a new year but also a new decade. With this new decade upon us we reflect on what we intend to manifest and are motivated by the opportunity to achieve what our hearts deeply desire.
With the start of a new year, we are excited to share our 2020 Intentions Journal to help you set your own intentions. We believe in the power of intention and how it can create a path toward greater mindfulness and well-being.
And because intentions gain even more strength when you release them out into the universe, we wanted to share our company intentions for 2020 with you—our customers, so you can see what we have chosen to manifest in the new year and decade.

We fully believe that at the heart of any meditation practice—and any socially conscious business—is a deep compassion for others and a desire to help them in any way you can. That’s why every year we partner with a non-profit whose values align with our mission through our Crafted for a Cause program. Crafted for a Cause is a special limited edition collection we design every year to give back to a cause close to our hearts. The selected beneficiary organization receives donations from the sale of each piece of this very special collection.
We aim to approach life and our business with kindness, compassion and a sense of selflessness to make our community—and the world—a much better place.
Our Founder, Judith Compton, is on a personal mission to ‘empower the world through wellness.’ This is also our intention as a company. We want to do everything we can to empower individuals to live their truth and to be their authentic selves. We believe in 3 ‘M-powering activities: Meditate, Make, and Move’ which are the pillars to our ‘MLX (M-powered Living Experience) which is an event we created to help teach people to live life ‘M-powered’ while spreading the practices of mindfulness and meditation. We also offer information on this in the Malas + Meditation 101 section of our website where you can download free guided meditations that you can follow along with at home. We intend to provide you with all the tools you need to help empower yourself to be your best + true self.

We are so grateful for being able to share our passion to consciously create fair sustainable fashion with all of you. We are also grateful to have so many wonderful customers like yourselves who believe in the mission behind our brand, to spread the messages of mindfulness, meditation, and wellness.
We feel gratitude is a very important intention as it can create a sense of fulfillment in ones life and open the door to abundance and happiness. I wrote this mantra after attending a special workshop which always helps ground me in gratitude, I would like to share it with you:
I am enough. I have enough. There is enough.
This is something I learned from my Father at a very young age, to always be humble, not boastful, or proud, and to receive praise with grace and gratitude. I also learned from a previous boss the ignorance of arrogance, which is rooted in the ego, the opposite of humility and the true authentic self.
Through my own experience I learned how important it is to provide praise to others when they accomplish something and recognize their strengths as this helps build ones self-confidence and self worth. There is a balance of healthy self-confidence and respect of ourselves and others, to me it is humility.
These quotes all inspire me to be humble.
“Humility is the only true wisdom by which we prepare our minds for all the possible changes in life.”
-George Arliss
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
-Ernest Hemingway
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”’
-C.S. Lewis